Positive reviews on Google are one of the biggest attractions for a company. In this article we are going to show you everything you need to know about buy Google reviews and, most important of all, be clear about the reasons why you should avoid it.
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Is it possible to buy reviews on Google?
Buying reviews on Google is possible. This is such a popular function that there are many ways to do it. This way we can find websites that directly sell the positive reviews in packs, to private users who for a small fee also offer their reviews.
This is a very popular practice and, despite the fact that it is not at all advisable, there are many companies that carry it out. That this is a popular practice due to the fact that in the vast majority of cases, the companies that purchase these reviews are unaware of the negative effects that such a purchase may have.
It is also common in companies that are just starting out and have few customers. Through the purchase of fake reviews, they try to pretend to grow their business by giving the image that they have more opinions from their customers. In this article, we are going to help you discover this. I’m sure when you find out you’ll agree with us that it’s not a good idea.
How to buy reviews on Google?
Buying reviews on Google is as easy as searching Google itself. Simply enter “buy reviews” as a search term and a large number of pages will appear before you where you can make such purchases.
On the other hand, it is also quite easy to find these offers in specialized forums that talk about SEO. It is common that there are users who offer their services and, for a small amount of money, sell their reviews.
How much is a review worth?
The price is quite variable and is usually made in packs. More or less the price of a review is around 5€. However, it is possible to find them more expensive or cheaper depending on the review in question.
By this, we mean that the cheaper reviews are likely to be bot accounts while the more expensive reviews are likely to be official accounts. However, don’t get carried away with the official nature of the account, a purchased review is never a good choice for a business.
Is it advisable to buy reviews on Google?
In any case, buying reviews on Google is never a good idea. Increasing Google reviews is important, however, not just any practice will do. Now let’s see what problems purchased reviews can give you and, of course, how to increase your number of reviews legally without resorting to these purchases.
Problems buying reviews on Google
Buying reviews on Google can be very negative for your business for several reasons. The first reason is that you will receive poor quality feedback . Fake reviews that add you to the business will not bring you anything, they have invented reviews that are far from reality and have nothing to do with your business.
One of the main advantages of reviews is that they allow you to know what your customers think of your business. In fact, there is a lot to be gained from negative reviews or criticisms, as they could show us aspects of the business that we should improve in order to get better. When the review is purchased all this feedback is lost.
Another negative point about buying reviews on Google is that if Google catches you, you can be punished. In the end, Google ends up knowing everything that happens in its domains and practically nobody knows how its algorithms work 100%. A Google penalty can not only end up removing the review from Google, but it can also negatively affect your SEO and even remove your listing from Google My Business.
In addition to Google you also run the risk of your customers noticing it. Believe it or not, detecting a fake review is not that complicated. If a customer finds it, they will automatically lose trust in your business and it will affect your online reputation. It is clear that no one can trust a business that buys the positive opinions of its customers to generate confidence in the rest.
Finally, it is illegal. Buying fake reviews in certain countries is prohibited and one of them is USA. If you buy fake reviews, in addition to getting in trouble with Google, you may also get in trouble with the courts, is it really worth the risk?
How to increase Google reviews legally?
The best way to increase Google reviews of your business is to work on this aspect. This is a somewhat difficult task to accomplish, but, fortunately, it has a snowball effect. As your business becomes more relevant you will have no problem getting reviews.
That’s why we encourage you to ask your customers to rate you first. Tell them that if they have time and it seems right to do an appraisal of your business. Never ask them for a positive review, just tell them to review your business and leave a comment if appropriate with what they thought of it.
In addition to not being forced at any time, the opinion is likely to be much more sincere. You can make it easier by placing a link on the website directly to the reviews page to make it even easier for them.
Another way to get reviews is through email marketing. If you have already obtained a customer’s email address, you can consider sending them an email asking for the review. Obviously do not send an e-mail just to ask for such a review. Elaborate the email by telling them about your product’s warranty, offering them something useful or thanking them for their purchase.
Below all this, you can leave a button with a link to your reviews so that you can write a rating if you think it is appropriate. Regardless of the form you choose, never buy Google reviews… Buying reviews on Google is easy, the complicated part is to manage your brand correctly, that’s why RepScan can help you in this process if you need it. Contact us without obligation and we will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss how we can help you.
Do you have any pics, videos, reviews or negative news that are affecting your online reputation? We can help you to delete or move the content, contact us without obligation.