how can i remove a link from google search

How to remove a link from Google?

Google is a huge company and has the most widely used search engine in the world. It is a multinational (Alphabet) that revolves around the company’s well-known search engine.

It is basically a web page that contains almost all the websites available on the Internet. Like a big library with all the content perfectly organized.

Sometimes we may want to delete content that is not correct or not real, making use of the right to be forgotten on the Internet.

In this article we will show you how to remove a link from Google in a few steps. Let’s go for it!

how do i delete a review Google

How do I delete a review on Google? A step-by-step guide

If the open reviews you are receiving are unfairly damaging your business or person, you should know how to remove a review from Google .

We all have the right to protect and care for our online reputation. So if you are being unfairly harmed or if you consider that this is the case, here we explain how I delete a review on Google.

is it illegal to take pictures of people in public areas

Is it illegal to take pictures of people in the street?

Since almost every cell phone has a good camera, it is very common to find people recording videos in the street. Unfortunately, not all users make good use of these videos and sometimes we appear in a video or photo without our consent. In this article, we explain you if is it illegal to take pictures of people in the streets.

how to recover instagram account

How to recover Instagram account?

Practically all of us have had to recover an account at some point because it has either been stolen or we have forgotten some aspect of it. Instagram is no exception to the rule and you’ve probably ever wondered how to recover Instagram account.

how do i recover my facebook account easy

How do I recover my Facebook account?

Everyone has forgotten a password at some point. If you have problems recovering your Facebook account here you can find all the possible ways to do it.

Regardless of what your problem is, keep reading this article so we can help you on how do I recover my Facebook account.

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