Can I remove porn videos from the Internet? One of the most common problems that have come with new technologies is revenge porn. Porn revenge is the term used to refer to extortion through a porn video, threatening to upload it to the Internet.
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These acts can be committed by ex-partners or hackers who steal videos from the devices. Regardless of the cause and the reason, the fact is that these videos end up being published on the Internet and the top priority becomes deleting them and how.
In this article, we are going to show you how to delete internet porn in case you have suffered from this problem. If this is your case, stay calm and we hope that these lines can help you solve it to delete internet porn.
Why can my porn videos end up on the Internet? Be safe
There are mainly two factors that explain the arrival of porn videos on the Internet: revenge and video theft. Although the causes are different, we can take several measures to prevent these videos from damaging us to a great extent.
First of all, avoid having this video content on devices connected to the internet, if you have these videos recorded on your cell phone and it has an internet connection, you should know that you have a door through which any hacker can access. In addition to not storing such videos on these devices, if you decide to record them, we recommend that you never show your face. If a porn video of you is uploaded on the Internet, but your face is not visible, the impact will be much less than if you can be recognized with the naked eye. In addition, this will also allow you to avoid extortion.

How to remove a porn video from a website?
If you find a porn video of yours posted on a website, the first thing you should do is contact the webmaster of the site, i.e. the person responsible for uploading the video. This type of contact also depends on the site in question. This is because certain sites that store porn videos do not have direct control over what is uploaded. If it is a porn site, contact the site directly saying that it is a stolen video and that you do not want it to be there.
The site will probably not show any inconvenience, but if it does, it can expose itself to a quite serious penalty for disseminating sexual content of third parties. If it is an independent site, you will have to contact the webmaster as mentioned above. If you do not know who the webmaster is, you should contact the server that hosts the page.
The person responsible for hosting the page on the Internet can censor the page and end the problem. If this resource also fails for whatever reason, you will have to go to the police to file the corresponding complaint for them to intervene or resort to specialized services such as RepScan. If you ask the police station about this problem, they will tell you that this is a widespread occurrence. That’s why you shouldn’t feel bad or ashamed, porn revenge is one of the most common problems today because of how easy it is to record and upload this type of content to the internet.
How to remove a porn video from Google?
One of the added problems to having your porn video uploaded to a website is that it gets indexed by Google and comes up in the search engine. If this happens, what you need to do is to contact Google directly and explain the situation.
Google has a quite competent customer support form with which to remove videos from the Internet, as third-party porn videos are not the only problem they face daily. Users who upload personal data of third parties without permission or everyday videos where they appear are some of the most common problems faced by Google.
How to delete porn videos from social media?
In the hypothetical case that a porn video is uploaded to social networks, you will have to contact the social network directly. The good thing about social networks is that they have automatic systems so that you can directly report the content and it will be reviewed. For example, here is how to delete a video on YouTube.
As always, if the contact mechanism fails or is not satisfactory, there is always the option of going to the police to report it. This same case is valid if you fail to remove the video from Google as we have seen in the previous example.
Is it possible to post porn videos on social networks?
Posting a video on social networks is complicated, but not impossible. Social media usually have automatic mechanisms that detect these types of videos to prevent them from being published, however, it is possible to bypass these restrictions and the video may end up uploaded.
On the other hand, it is worth noting that not all social networks have the familiar content that we are used to on Facebook or Instagram. This means that there are other social networks of contacts, of adult content, where this type of content is frequent and is the most common. You will still be able to delete videos from Snapchat or OnlyFans, two of the sites where porn is allowed.

What to do if I can’t delete a porn video on the Internet?
The ultimate remedy to remove a porn video from the Internet is to file a police report. Law enforcement officers can censor and eventually remove such content through a court order. The problem with this is that sometimes the procedure is not as fast as it should be and can take a long time.
To remove the video as quickly as possible, first, contact the uploader. If all else fails, you will always have the consolation that the police will be able to fix the problem, so in the worst-case scenario this issue will have a satisfactory resolution for you and the video will end up removed from the network without a problem.If you want to remove porn videos from the Internet you also have another option and that is to contact us without obligation and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Do you have any pics, videos, reviews or negative news that are affecting your online reputation? We can help you to delete or move the content, contact us without obligation.