vídeos íntimos robados

You in the Digital Mirror: Protecting Yourself from Stolen Intimate Video Leaks

In the present digital era, the preservation of privacy has emerged as an increasingly relevant concern, especially with regard to the personal and intimate sphere. Disclosure of stolen intimate videos involves the unauthorized distribution of private material without the consent of the person concerned. This act transgresses privacy and copyright, with potentially devastating emotional and legal consequences. In this article, we will examine how to respond and protect yourself if you are involved in this unfortunate situation.

Representation of a fake profile

Learn How to Tackle a Fake Profile in 5 Steps

In today’s digital age, we are all connected online in one way or another. While this offers a wide range of opportunities, it can also present certain challenges, such as the emergence of fake online profiles. Fake profiles can harm our reputation, privacy, and even our safety. In this article, we will introduce you to five key steps to combat a fake profile and regain control of your digital identity.

How much can a company lose in a reputation crisis?

Reputational crises in companies are one of the most complicated problems to foresee and they undoubtedly have a great negative impact.

To give more context, we will go deeper into what reputation crises are, with data and concrete examples, to see how far the consequences can go.


What is Sextortion, what to do and how to protect yourself from it

With the popularity and increasing use of social networking, messaging apps and online dating, the exchange of explicit material is much more common: this gives rise to Sextortion.

In addition, webcams make it easier for people to record themselves or secretly record themselves. Let´s discover what is sextortion and how to protect ourselves.

With the prevalence of sextortion crimes, it is important for everyone to know where they stand. In this publication, we explain what sextortion is, what to do if you are a victim of sextortion and how to prevent going through such a situation.

online reputation management 2023

What is online reputation management and how to improve it

Online reputation management is not easy. It is one of those tasks that we consider invisible: when it is done well, it is hardly noticeable, but if something goes wrong… we know it goes wrong.

It is such a particular area, that is why you should pay special attention to how to take care of it correctly and, above all, to understand its evolution over time and create it in a conscious way. If, like us, you believe in the importance of a good online reputation, read on because this is of interest to you.

We will give you the keys to understand it in detail and improve it.

what is revenge porn

What is Revenge Porn and how to avoid it?

Although new technologies such as the Internet have improved the lives of many people, they also cause new problems. One such problem is revenge porn.

digital footprint internet

The digital footprint: dangers and recommendations

Although the concept of digital footprint encompasses many meanings, they all have a common link: they have a digital component. In this article we are going to explain everything that this concept entails, focusing more specifically on the Internet footprint.

Let’s get started!

what is the right to be forgotten

What is the right to be forgotten?

Today we want to show you in a comprehensive way what the right to be forgotten is and, specifically, the rights you have thanks to it on the Internet.

If you are in a compromised situation right now, by the end of this article you will be clear about what is the right to be forgotten and how to exercise your rights. Let’s see it!

is it illegal to take pictures of people in public areas

Is it illegal to take pictures of people in the street?

Since almost every cell phone has a good camera, it is very common to find people recording videos in the street. Unfortunately, not all users make good use of these videos and sometimes we appear in a video or photo without our consent.

In this article, we explain you if is it illegal to take pictures of people in the streets. The problem with recording video without consent is that sometimes it ends up on the Internet. If this is something that has happened to you, don’t worry, here we will try to answer some of the most frequent questions asked by those affected.

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